Pace Boat Studio

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Pace Boat Studio

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One of the most popular options people use in RowPro is rowing with one or more pace boat.

RowPro enables you to create three different types of pace boat:

Basic and Quick

The pace boat rows at the same Pace and Stroke Rate from start to finish.  Use this when you just want a simple straightforward pace boat to row with.  See Creating Basic Pace Boats and Quick Pace Boats for details.


The pace boat can change its Pace and Stroke Rate four times from start to finish.  Use this when you want a pace boat that performs differently say in the first or last 500m of a 2,000m race.  The difference could be a change of stroke rate, or a change of pace, or both.  See Creating Intermediate Pace Boats for details.


The pace boat can change its Pace and Stroke Rate up to twenty times from start to finish.  Use this when you want to sculpt a race tactic into the pace boat, so you can mimic your race tactics in the pace boat.  See Creating Advanced Pace Boats for details.