The Progress Bar

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The Progress Bar

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The Progress Bar runs right across the screen just below the 3D or 2D Display.

The main features of Progress Bar are:


As you row, the Progress Bar slider moves from the left edge to the right edge, showing you at a glance exactly how far you are through your row. Note that during a Just Row, the Progress Bar is fixed in the middle since it's not possible for RowPro to know how far you are through your Just Row, because you might finish your Just Row at any time. The slider is normally red, however in Playback mode it's green.

Fixed markers

There are fixed gray triangular markers 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 of the way along the Progress Bar.


The Progress Bar automatically scales so your session starts at the left edge of the screen and ends at the right edge of the screen. If your row is a distance row, the Progress Bar represents meters. If your row is a time row, the Progress Bar represents minutes.


If you are rowing a Continuous session with splits, the splits are shown as vertical black markers along the Progress Bar. There is a black marker for each split you set.


If you are rowing an Intervals session:

The intervals are mapped onto the Progress Bar in different colors. The Active part of each interval is shown as orange, the Rest part is shown as yellow. For Advanced intervals, the color of each Interval is as shown in the Custom Row Studio Advanced Intervals utility.
The total length of the Progress Bar represents the total duration of the row, with each split shown in proportion to the overall duration. This enables you to see at a glance where you are in your set of intervals, just by looking at the Progress Bar.
If your Intervals session is meters with Stop rests, the Progress Bar shows the Stop parts as minutes and the Active parts as meters.